C# Featured Writing a .NET Music Discord Bot for a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: Brotherman Bill This post takes us through creating a music Discord bot using C#, Lavalink, and Victoria while running on a small Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
C# Viewing IL Generated by the C# Compiler With ILSpy ILSpy makes it easy to view decompiled IL that was generated by the C# compiler. This post will walk you through the few short steps needed to see your IL code.
C# Featured QR Code Pings With Azure Functions and Azure SignalR A fun little project where a QR code gets an animated rainbow border when it's scanned. The post contains a working demo and an explanation of all the steps behind it using Azure Functions and an Azure SignalR Service.
Powershell Because it is being used by another process: Why There Isn't a No-Dependency, One Line Powershell Solution While Powershell is incredibly flexible, the openness lends itself to be non-specific in some cases, such as for finding out what is keeping a lock on a file.
C# Featured Why is .GetAwaiter().GetResult() bad in C#? Why is .GetAwaiter().GetResult(), or .Wait() or .Result bad? It ends up boiling down to deadlocks and threadpool starvation. This post gives a gentle, high up look at why this may happen.
Procedural Generation Generating a Procedural 2D Map in C#: Part 3: The Redo Taking lessons from Part 1 and Part 2, I'll be taking a dive into creating solid foundations for future parts. We'll be looking at flexibility for generation, saving, and printing.
C# Tricky Operator Names in C# A list of symbol based C# operators, what they do and the links to documentation for times when searching question marks doesn't return what I want.
C# Pooling in C# We all know pooling is useful for performance, so let's check out what .NET comes with out of the box and see how it's all used.
C# Featured Looking at Entity Framework 6 Execution Strategies, Specifically SqlAzureExecutionStrategy Implementing SqlAzureExecutionStrategy is easy, go ahead and lift it from here but this is also a deep dive into what makes it tick by looking at the EF6 source code for Execution Strategies.
Procedural Generation Generating a Procedural 2D Map in C#: Part 2 - Smooth Transitions The next step: making a stiff, jagged looking map into something a little smoother.
Procedural Generation Generating a Procedural 2D Map in C#: Part 1 - The Attempt Trying my hand at procedurally created 2D tile maps with C# from the nostalgic times of Pokémon.
C# Combining PDF documents using iText7 and C# Using a list of PDFs, it's easy to merge together all the documents into one.
C# Deleting pages of a PDF with iText7 and C# It's easy to use iText7 and C# to delete pages of a PDF. A byte array of that PDF and a list of integers is all you need.
C# Counting the number of pages of a PDF with iText7 and C# Using the built-in iText7 call, it's easy to get the number of pages in a PDF.