.NET .NET Deployment Models and Features With Examples If you've ever wanted a better understanding of: Self-contained, trimming, single file, Native AOT, and ReadyToRun for .NET deployments, this post will take you through with worked examples.
GitHub How Do I Get .NET Preview Versions in GitHub Actions? I wanted to setup a GitHub Action to build and test a .NET Preview project. Come in to read about how you can add a preview .NET version to your GitHub Action.
.NET .NET 7 Self-Contained, NativeAOT, and ReadyToRun Cheatsheet Cheatsheet for self-contained, trimming, single file, Native AOT, and ReadyToRun for project files.
Ghost Removing AdSense Ads for Your Paying Members on Ghost How do I remove my Google AdSense ads for my paid Ghost memberships? Turns out, Ghost has made it easy to do.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Appendix C - Miscellaneous Numbers Appendix C is about any real world numbers the project has.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 9 - Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl This part takes us to playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. Exploring a nostalgic remake and bagging a lot of new mythicals for the project.
GitHub Compiling/Installing the pokesprite-gen Project from GitHub As of writing this, there is a slight problem when running the pokesprite-gen GitHub repo. In this post I'll outline how to get pokesprite-gen running and ready to use.
Ghost Plugins, Add-Ons, and Libraries Used on My Ghost Blog Here are the little extra JavaScript plugins that give my Ghost blog that little extra kick.
Ink An Ink Proof of Concept From Script to Android App Come with me to see a proof of concept from a simple Ink story to an Android mobile app in only a few steps using Inky, InkJS, and Cordova.
Four Day Work Week Four Day Work Weeks in New Zealand With post-2020 working models still up in the air, I decided to take a look at what New Zealand companies are publicly announcing four day work weeks, and tracking them via a GitHub repo.
Browser Console Featured How I Added an Animation to the Browser Devtools Console You might have heard of colouring browser devtool console output with CSS or even using an image. But this post will take you through my journey of making an animated SVG and how I put it on my console window. Check out the dev tools yourself!
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 8 - Odds and Ends Round 2 Welcome to the second mixed bag post of the Living Dex project where we'll be quickly revisiting Sword and Shield, taking a stop at the Nintendo eShop, rounding it off with even deeper miscellaneous topics.
Meme Vines I Quote Daily A time capsule of my commonly quoted vines that I'll reference in day to day life.
AdSense How my AdSense Ad Experiment Went Ever wonder how someone's AdSense experiment went? Come look at mine where I'll explain what I did, what happened, and what I decided to do to increase earnings via AdSense.
Raspberry Pi Fixing Raspberry Pi VNC “Cannot Currently Show the Desktop” but It’s Not Resolution or hdmi_force_hotplug Follow me as I tell the story of why the two common fixes (resolution and hdmi_force_hotplug) for “Cannot Currently Show the Desktop” didn't work when using VNC for my Raspberry Pi.
C# Featured Shrinking a Self-Contained .NET 6 Wordle-Clone Executable Shrinking the size of an executable in .NET can be more than just TrimMode. Join me in this post where we will look at the compiler, linker, and the experimental .NET AOT in order to further shrink the .exe of a Wordle clone, TinyWordle.
C# Featured Writing a .NET Music Discord Bot for a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: Brotherman Bill This post takes us through creating a music Discord bot using C#, Lavalink, and Victoria while running on a small Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Raspberry Pi Continuous Deployment From Github to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W With Azure DevOps Ever wanted to deploy your fun project to your Raspberry Pi with Azure DevOps? Follow this guide where I'll take you from scratch to deployment on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W via GitHub and Azure Devops.
Raspberry Pi Creating an Autostart .NET 6 Service on a Raspberry Pi In this post we'll explore how to create a service for a Raspberry Pi such that we can have a .NET process starting when the Pi boots.
Raspberry Pi Installing .NET 6 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Installing .NET6 on a Raspberry Pi can be quite easy, however with the different architecture of the Pi Zero 2 W some of the easier installs won't work. This post will show you a simple enough way of doing a .NET 6 install on a Pi Zero 2 W.
Raspberry Pi Running Lavalink on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W In this post you'll get a tutorial on how to run Lavalink on a tiny Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and learn the hitches along the way.
Raspberry Pi Installing Java 16 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Installing Java 16 on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is a bit of a pain and this tutorial will guide you through it.
JavaScript What Are Bookmarklets? If you ever found yourself wanting to add just a little extra functionality to a website but found a browser extension too heavy? A bookmarklet might just be what you need.
GitHub My Checklist for New Repos Quick post on the following is an ever evolving list of items to check off when opening a GitHub repo to the public. This one's for me. Description Tags/Topics Emoji Readme.md Licence Image/Gif/colourRelated: My Checklist for New Posts [https://www.nikouusitalo.com/blog/my-checklist-for-new-posts/
Raspberry Pi How to Run a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Headless By adding two files onto the boot sector for the Raspberry Pi you can easily start a completely wireless experience either through PuTTY or with a little more effort, VNC. This post will show you how with a Pi Zero 2 W.