C# How to Set the Author Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting the author metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
C# How Heavy Is the nameof Expression in C#? With proof, we'll be looking at how heavy (or light!) the C# nameof expression is and what that means for your code.
Blog Posting Each Week in 2022: A Retrospective I go over what it took to do a post a week with what I got out of it in terms of experience, learnings, and revenue.
Blog Why Do I Write This Blog? Come check out what drives me to write posts in my little corner of the internet.
Code Opinions Featured Your Personal Projects Can Be as Simple as You Want I used to be worried about what others would think about my dinky little public projects, thinking they wouldn't properly reflect my skill. But in reality, it doesn't really matter. You do you 👑.
Development Environment My Development Environment 2022 Check out what change I brought in to my personal software development environment in 2022.
Interests Five Topics I Can Talk About for 30 Minutes Without Any Preparation If I'm hit with the prompt: "Hey tell me about that thing you like" I'd talk about these five topics in this post.
C# How to Set the Title Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting the title metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
Finnishness Just Take a Moment to Spell My Name Right Having a Finnish name in an English speaking country is difficult at times and the worst is having my name right there but still misspelled. In this post I talk about my experience on having a non-Anglosphere name in New Zealand.
Blog Where I Get My Blog Post Inspiration From This meta post talks about how I find new ideas to write blog posts about.
Adafruit Feather Featured How to Build Your Own CO2 Meter With an Adafruit Feather and E-Ink Display Carbon dioxide levels have been a hot topic and in this tutorial I'll teach you how I made one from an Adafruit Feather, E-Ink display, CO2 sensor, and CircuitPython to help measure your air quality.
Nostalgia My First Lines of Code A short walk down memory lane to see my first lines of code written in BASIC just to make an LED blink for a simple little hello world.
Pokemon My Experiences With In-Store Pokémon Mystery Gifts A living document where I'll outline each in-store code event I've been to to get an exclusive Pokémon.
C# How to Get the Standard Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through getting the standard set of metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
Pokemon Pulls From Opening 36 Pokémon Lost Origin Booster Packs This is the record of all the different pulls from a Pokémon TCG Lost Origin booster box containing 36 boosters.
C# Can’t Debug After Running Benchmark.net Quick post to explain why you might not be able to debug your C# Visual Studio code or debug your unit tests after running Benchmark.net.
C# How to Get All the Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through getting all the metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
Ghost How to Have an Animated Feature Image in Your Ghost Blog Post An animated feature image is always eye-catching but Ghost only allows specific file types for header images. In this post we'll look at an easy way to attract readers with an animated feature image.
.NET The Weird Things Roslyn Gets up To Ever wanted to see some strange, interesting, and weird .NET behaviour and features? What about bizarre C# to baffle? If so, then welcome to this little curated and peculiar collection.
C# Writing My Own Pokémon Spritesheet Generator in C# For my Living Dex project I wanted to control how the Pokémon spritesheets work. There are existing spritesheet generators, but I wanted to make my own in .NET for fun and learning.
Pokemon Making a Living Dex: Part 10 - Pokémon Legends Arceus With a fascinating break away from some established norms, Pokémon Legends Arceus brings in old mythicals and new forms for the Living Dex project.
Roomba Living With a Roomba i7 Six Months On - Review At the end of 2021 my household got a Roomba i7. We've been using it on and off and this is my review of the first six months.
C# How to Natively Read .tgz Files With the New C# TarReader Class In .NET 7 we can now natively decompress/unpack and open .tgz/.tar.gz files/archives without third party libraries or complex code.
Game Boy Featured Why Did I Write a Gameboy Color Image Decolouriser? Come read about how I created this tool to more cleanly import Gameboy Color images as backgrounds in GB Studio because sometimes the colour definition gets lost when using the GB Studio tools.
.NET .NET AOT Resources: 2022 Edition This post is all my accumulated notes about AOT of as of 2022. Whether it's CoreRT, Experimental AOT, or .NET 7 it has notes about articles, documentation, flags, and gotchas.