.NET 7 Self-Contained, NativeAOT, and ReadyToRun Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet for self-contained, trimming, single file, Native AOT, and ReadyToRun for project files.

Note that not all flags might be effective in your specific situation. Make sure you:
- Check if a flag is doing anything for your codebase
- Check your code still works after setting up your set of flags
The following can be dumped into your .csproj
<!-- Normal .NET 7 -->
<!-- Only some may work - From the experimental AOT version -->
<!-- Still works from the experimental AOT version, but high risk -->
<!-- <IlcDisableReflection>true</IlcDisableReflection> -->
- Trimming Documentation
- Single File Deployment Documentation
- NativeAOT GitHub Optimisation Documentation
- Experimental AOT GitHub Optimisation Documentation
- Reflection free NativeAOT GitHub Documentation
- ReadyToRun Documentation