Do Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal Work With the EverDrive-GB X7?
Does generation two of Pokémon work with the EverDrive-GB X7 flashcart? Does the real time clock (RTC) work too? Come on in and read, and you'll be very pleased.

Short Answer
Yes, works exactly as expected! 🎉 My biggest concern being the real time clock and that works exactly as expected too. Even playing ROMhacks like Pokémon Black and White 3: Genesis, which is based off Crystal, works.
Long Answer
I'm using:
- EverDrive-GB Model 17 Rev.E 28.07.2021
- Running GBC-OS-v1.06 of the firmware

Running the Games
I've not run into any issues playing gen 2 Pokémon games with the EverDrive-GB X7. Works just as expected, even the real time clock events. See below for more.
Real Time Clock
As of writing this, offer the following EverDrive Gameboy flashcarts:
However only the X7 offers real time clock (RTC) functionality, which was a key part of the generation 2 Pokémon games as they introduced the day/night cycle as well as daily and weekly events.
There are other features the X7 has over the other versions, but they aren't interesting in terms of Pokémon and the differences are outlined on the X7 store page.
Below is a quick time-lapse of 15 minutes showing the real time clock working as expected:
As you can see, the X7 is removed for the ~15 minutes but still keeps up with the current time when we check it afterwards.