C# C# const, static, readonly: An IL Deep Dive This post is a deep dive into what happens at the IL (Intermediate Language) level when the C# keywords const, static, and readonly are used for fields and properties.
NuGet My Experience Publishing A NuGet Package Look behind the scenes and see my experiences developing my first NuGet package, ZeroRedact.
C# Deep Diving Into “CA2254: Template Should Be a Static Expression” and How to Fix It This post is an in-depth explainer on why the .NET logging warning CA2254 appears and how to fix it.
GitHub Pages Publishing Multiple Static Sites on GitHub Pages Ever needed to get two or more static sites under the same GitHub pages instance? See how I made it happen with my ZeroRedact GitHub repo.
NuGet Featured ZeroRedact: A Simple Redaction NuGet Package ZeroRedact is a fast, simple, zero allocation redacting library for .NET. Read about how to easily redact discrete pieces of PII or other sensitive information in .NET.
Pokemon Hacking in Rare Candies in Pokémon Fool's Gold This post will teach you how to hack in infinite rare candies with a GameShark code, or on your own in Pokémon Fool's Gold v1.3.2.
GitHub Copilot Making a WebApp With GitHub Copilot Part 1 How hands off can you be when using GitHub Copilot? I tested this by making a little WebApp to sort, filter, and order markdown tables.
WebAssembly Client WebAssembly Websites Are Held Back by Web Crawlers Client-only Wasm sites are a fantastic addition to the open web. We'll look at how they aren't treated equally by search engine web crawlers due to their dynamic nature and some solutions.
Pokemon Hacking in Rare Candies in Pokémon Yellow Legacy Pokémon Yellow Legacy is a phenomenal ROM hack but if you want a nuzlocke with rare candies, follow this guide to hack them in without a GameShark code.
C# Is It Valid to Have NonAction on Private Methods Inside a Controller in ASP.NET Core? Preventing a method/action from handling requests is as easy as using private, or the NonAction attribute. But how do these work? And is it valid to use them together?
Everdrive Do Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal Work With the EverDrive GBA Mini? Does generation two of Pokémon work with the EverDrive GBA Mini flashcart? Does the real time clock (RTC) work too? Come on in and read, and you'll be very pleased.
Pokemon Hacking in Rare Candies in Pokémon Crystal Legacy Pokémon Crystal Legacy is a phenomenal ROM hack but if you want a nuzlocke with rare candies, follow this guide to hack them in without a GameShark code.
C# Featured Use Any Language to Control mGBA mGBA-http is an HTTP interface for mGBA emulator scripting. Programmatically connect to mGBA with your favourite language using an HTTP REST API. Easily create your own cross platform "Twitch Plays", Gameboy playing bot, or more.
Everdrive Does Pokémon Run On EverDrive Cartridges in the Analogue Pocket? Does generation two and three of Pokémon work when playing them with an EverDrive X7/GBA Mini flashcart in an Analogue Pocket? Any gotchas? I think if you read on you'll be very pleased.
Everdrive Do Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen work with the EverDrive GBA Mini? Does generation three of Pokemon work with the EverDrive GBA Mini flashcart? Does the real time clock (RTC) work too? Come on in and read, and you'll be very pleased.
Everdrive Do Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal Work With the EverDrive-GB X7? Does generation two of Pokémon work with the EverDrive-GB X7 flashcart? Does the real time clock (RTC) work too? Come on in and read, and you'll be very pleased.
Everdrive Unboxing and Setting up an EverDrive GBA Mini Find out what you'd expect and what setup to do with your brand new EverDrive GBA Mini.
Everdrive Unboxing and Setting up an EverDrive-GB X7 Find out what you'd expect and what setup to do with your brand new EverDrive-GB X7.
C# How to Set the Subject Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting the subject metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
C# How to Delete Specific Metadata from a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through deleting specific metadata from a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
C# How to Set the Keywords Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting the keywords metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
C# How to Set the Producer Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting the producer metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
C# How to Set the Creator Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting the creator metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.
C# What Does Asterisk *, Plus +, and Double Colon :: Mean in ASP.NET Core URLs? Sometimes in a .NET project you might see a wildcard in the URL like http://*:5400 or perhaps two colons in the console output like http://[::]:5400. This post will explain what they are, and how they work.
C# How to Set Custom Metadata for a PDF With iText7 and C# In this post I'll take you through setting custom metadata for a PDF with iText7 and C# in a way you can understand what's happening and just copy it into your codebase.